Ophelia Inlet
Ophelia Inlet is located on the Southern Outer Banks of North Carolina between Cape Hatteras/Ocracoke and Cape Lookout/Beaufort, NC. It’s a beautiful place, and fishing has always been a way of life here, dating back to Native American times. Ophelia Inlet is the passageway between the mainland and Core Sound to the Atlantic Ocean. We source our seafood locally from both Core Sound and the Atlantic Ocean.
The mission of Ophelia Inlet Products is to provide wholesome and delicious value added seafood products to consumers, and at the same time provide employment to our local community here in Atlantic, NC, one of the communities that comprise the area of North Carolina traditionally known as Down East.
It’s challenging offering wild caught seafood to consumers. Most species of fish are not here year around (they migrate with the seasons), so we don’t have the luxury of knowing what what species or even the amount we will have to sell on a day-to-day basis. Thus, we update our website daily with what we have in stock. We will do our best to supply you with whatever species is in season and is available.
We’re old school, and take pride in everything we do here at Ophelia Inlet Products. Of course, we have the latest in modern technology, and we use it to ensure the outstanding quality of our products.

Our Future “Brick and Mortor” Production Facility here in Atlantic, NC, overlooking Core Sound.